benhaqi dot com


  • Research: Frase analyzes the top SERP results for your search query and provides average word, header, and link counts (and Domain Authority and Backlink data with the SEO add-on). It also returns each of the top results, returning them as an outline with content that is a click away to add to the document where it would be linked to the source. A user can then filter by Headers, Questions, Links, and Statistics (and also “Related & News”, more sources outside the top 20 and Google News). The “Automate Brief” option is in this tab as well.
  • OutlineClick the headers from the SERP results in a horizontally scrollable view to add them to a list that can be pasted into the editor as an outline, and you can type your own headings to include in the outline. You can also write an AI draft off the headings, a feature that’s in beta.
  • Optimize: Frase scans the top 20 search results for your query (or whichever sources you include in the list) and automatically extracts their key topics. Use this Topic Score insight to fill topic gaps and work on making your content more comprehensive. Learn more about optimization.
  • AI Write: Allows you to set Background Context for the AI writer to anchor the document and access “AI Templates”
  • Split View: View other editor tabs from your document in a read-only view. For example, if you’re looking at the “My Content” tab in the editor, you could use Split View to also see your “Content Brief” tab.

Note: the interface shown in the screenshot above is the most up-to-date. Check out our Crash Course lessons to watch videos and read more about Frase (though the interface may not be as up-to-date as this page)